30 元券 Proliferation9780262543736TransformingSafeguards ¥291 0去看看 中国国际图书专营店发布了 [预订]Transforming Nuclear Safeguards Culture: The IAEA, Iraq, and the Future of Non-Proliferation 9780262543736 30 元券 原子能ExperienceOperatingReporting ¥343 0去看看 中国国际图书专营店发布了 预订 Operating Experience from Events Reported to the IAEA Incident Reporting System for Research Reactors 向原子能机构 30 元券 9789201418227预订GlossarySecurity ¥465 0去看看 中国国际图书专营店发布了 [预订]IAEA Nuclear Safety and Security Glossary, 2022 (Interim) Edition 9789201418227 20 元券 PrinciplesExperience预订Applying ¥232 0去看看 中国国际图书专营店发布了 预订 Experience in Applying IAEA Principles for Design Safety to New Nuclear Power Plants 22.3 元券 9789201043191预订FailuresReactors ¥423.7 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Review of Fuel Failures in Water Cooled Reactors (2006–2015): An Update of IAEA Nuclear Energy ... [9789201043191] 24 元券 9789201103154RadioactivePredisposalFacilities ¥456 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities: IAEA Safety Stan... [9789201103154] 23.8 元券 Safety9789201072108RadiographyIndustrial ¥452.2 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Radiation Safety in Industrial Radiography Specific Safety Guide: IAEA Safety Standards Series N... [9789201072108] 24.9 元券 9789201017154ManagementPractices预订 ¥472.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Quality Management Audits in Nuclear Medicine Practices: IAEA Human Health Series No. 33 [9789201017154] 18.4 元券 9789201174215InstallationsStandards预订 ¥349.6 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Seismic Design for Nuclear Installations: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-67 [9789201174215] 15.6 元券 Reconstitution9789201040237Operation预订 ¥295.4 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Design Basis Reconstitution for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Tecdoc No. 2018 [9789201040237] 13.9 元券 Installations9789201065209Isolation预订 ¥264.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Seismic Isolation Systems for Nuclear Installations: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1905 [9789201065209] 12.9 元券 9789201242211Management预订Projects ¥245.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Foreign Material Management in Nuclear Power Plants and Projects: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1970 [9789201242211] 20.4 元券 9789201010186ExperimentalFacilities预订 ¥387.6 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Experimental Facilities in Support of Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Neutron Systems: IAEA Nuclear Ene... [9789201010186] 15 元券 9789201078209Challenges预订Spectrum ¥284 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Challenges for Coolants in Fast Neutron Spectrum Systems: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1912 [9789201078209] 24.9 元券 Human9789201140098TechniqueBreastfed ¥473.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Stable Isotope Technique to Assess Intake of Human Milk in Breastfed Infants: IAEA Human Health ... [9789201140098] 23.9 元券 9789201562234ExperienceOperatingReporting ¥453.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Operating Experience from Events Reported to the IAEA Incident Reporting System for Research Rea... [9789201562234] 24.2 元券 9789201360212InstallationsEarthquakesExcluding ¥458.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Design of Nuclear Installations Against External Events Excluding Earthquakes: IAEA Safety Stand... [9789201360212] 20.5 元券 9789201087195TechnologiesApplicationManagement ¥389.5 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Exploring Semantic Technologies and Their Application to Nuclear Knowledge Management: IAEA Nucl... [9789201087195] 20.4 元券 Installations9789201009180ExperienceStandards ¥387.6 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Operating Experience Feedback for Nuclear Installations: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-50 [9789201009180] 16.7 元券 Phosphorus9789201074164AgriculturalManagement ¥317.3 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Use of Phosphorus Isotopes for Improving Phosphorus Management in Agricultural Systems: IAEA Tec... [9789201074164] 20.2 元券 Nuclear9789201037152InvolvementIndustrial ¥383.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Industrial Involvement to Supoprt a National Nuclear Power Program: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series N... [9789201037152] 14.9 元券 Nuclear9789201022165Programme预订 ¥282.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Building a National Position for a New Nuclear Power Programme: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. N... [9789201022165] 13.9 元券 9789201355225EducationalExperience预订 ¥264.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Nuclear Educational Networks: Experience Gained and Lessons Learned Iaea-Tecdov-2007 [9789201355225] 18.8 元券 Radiopharmaceuti9789201029164RadioisotopesTechnetium ¥357.2 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Cyclotron Based Production of Technetium-99m: IAEA Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Report... [9789201029164] 25 元券 Decommissioning9789201036155Unexpected预订 ¥475 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Managing the Unexpected in Decommissioning: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Nw-T-2.8 [9789201036155] 12.1 元券 Support9789201091178OrganizationsScientific ¥228.9 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Technical and Scientific Support Organizations Providing Support to Regulatory Functions: IAEA T... [9789201091178] 21.6 元券 NuclearInfrastructure9789201023162Development ¥410.4 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 【4周达】Evaluation of the Status of National Nuclear Infrastructure Development: IAEA Nuclear Energy... [9789201023162] 21.2 元券 9789201045188PreparationFeasibilityProgrammes ¥402.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Feasibility Study Preparation for New Research Reactor Programmes: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No... [9789201045188] 19 元券 NuclearIdentification9789201144102Facilities ¥361 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Identification of Vital Areas at Nuclear Facilities: IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 16 [9789201144102] 12.7 元券 9789201063168ManagementInterface预订 ¥241.3 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Management of the Interface Between Nuclear Safety and Security for Research Reactors: IAEA Tecd... [9789201063168] 25 元券 9789201200211Management预订Decision ¥474 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Research Reactor Spent Fuel Management: Options and Support to Decision Making: IAEA Nuclear Ene... [9789201200211] 16.2 元券 9789201019202RegulatoryExperienceManagement ¥307.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Effective Management of Regulatory Experience for Safety: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1899 [9789201019202] 13.9 元券 9789201095206CompetenciesBehaviouralFacilities ¥264.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Assessing Behavioural Competencies of Employees in Nuclear Facilities: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1917 [9789201095206] 15.3 元券 9789201449108EngineeringDevelopmentCompetence ¥289.7 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Nuclear Engineering Education: A Competence Based Approach to Curricula Development: IAEA Nuclea... [9789201449108] 15 元券 9789201082206EnvironmentalRadiologicalAssessment ¥284 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Case Study on Assessment of Radiological Environmental Impact from Potential Exposure: IAEA Tecd... [9789201082206] 11.9 元券 9789201043160ElectricitySustainableScenarios ¥225.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Sustainable Electricity Supply Scenarios for West Africa: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1793 [9789201043160] 21.5 元券 NuclearEnergy9789201041197Cogeneration ¥407.5 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Guidance on Nuclear Energy Cogeneration: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Np-T-1.17 [9789201041197] 22.5 元券 NuclearOrganizational9789201005199Organizations ¥426.5 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Mapping Organizational Competencies in Nuclear Organizations: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Ng-... [9789201005199] 12.2 元券 9789201057211PreliminaryAssessmentResources ¥231.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 A Preliminary Inventory and Assessment of Uranium Resources in Mine Wastes: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1952 [9789201057211] 24.1 元券 Nuclear9789201167101EvaluationInvitation ¥456.9 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Invitation and Evaluation of Bids for Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Ng-T-3.9 [9789201167101] 12.7 元券 9789201170200ApplicationsRadioactiveIndustrial ¥241.3 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Industrial Applications of Sealed Radioactive Sources: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1925 [9789201170200] 20 元券 Nuclear9789201019158AccountingFacilities ¥379 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Use of Nuclear Material Accounting and Control for Nuclear Security Purposes at Facilities: IAEA... [9789201019158] 13.3 元券 9789201010179CalibrationEstimationValidation ¥251.7 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing: Use, Calibration and Validation for Soil Moisture Estimation: IAEA T... [9789201010179] 13.3 元券 9789201233219DevelopmentCultivars预订 ¥251.7 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Development of Tolerant Crop Cultivars for Abiotic Stresses to Increase Food Security: IAEA Tecd... [9789201233219] 19.5 元券 Nuclear9789201104144Monitoring预订 ¥369.5 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Accident Monitoring Systems for Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Np-T-3.16 [9789201104144] 15 元券 Considerations9789201072207IntegratedPerforming ¥284 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Considerations on Performing Integrated Risk Informed Decision Making: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1909 [9789201072207] 23.8 元券 Nuclear9789201006219ProgrammesManagement ¥451.2 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Human Resource Management for New Nuclear Power Programmes: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Ng-T-... [9789201006219] 20 元券 9789201087188InstallationsEvaluationStandards ¥379 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssr-1 [9789201087188] 12.5 元券 9789201009173AgriculturalGuidelinesDeveloping ¥236.5 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Guidelines for Developing Wetlands in Agricultural Catchments: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1811 [9789201009173] 19 元券 9789201186232PrinciplesExperience预订 ¥361 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Experience in Applying IAEA Principles for Design Safety to New Nuclear Power Plants [9789201186232] 17.4 元券 Nuclear9789201018168OrganizationsManagement ¥329.6 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Knowledge Loss Risk Management in Nuclear Organizations: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Ng-T-6.11 [9789201018168] 20.2 元券 Responsibilities9789201006196OrganizationImplementing ¥383.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Responsibilities and Functions of a Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization: IAEA Nuc... [9789201006196] 17.4 元券 International9789201033154FabricationSafeguards ¥329.6 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 International Safeguards in the Design of Fuel Fabrication Plants: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No... [9789201033154] 16 元券 9789201024176InternationalExperienceReporting ¥304 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience from the Iaea/NEA International Reporting System for Op... [9789201024176] 22.6 元券 NuclearInfrastructure9789201047151Development ¥428.4 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power: IAEA Nuclear Energ... [9789201047151] 21.5 元券 9789201085191Standards预订Handling ¥407.5 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Design of Fuel Handling and Storage Systems for Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Safety Standards Seri... [9789201085191] 11.9 元券 Pyroprocessing9789201229212预订Nuclear ¥225.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Status and Trends in Pyroprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuels: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1967 [9789201229212] 14.2 元券 NuclearInfrastructure9789201198228Requirements ¥269.8 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Resource Requirements for Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series N... [9789201198228] 13.9 元券 9789201072160RadiotherapyApplication预订 ¥264.1 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Application of the Risk Matrix Method to Radiotherapy: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1685 [9789201072160] 12.7 元券 9789201379214OccupationalProspectiveAssessment ¥241.3 0去看看 澜瑞图书专营店发布了 预订 Assessment of Prospective Cancer Risks from Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation: IAEA Te... [9789201379214]